new use for water re-energising coaster! | Peta Pendlebury

peta pendlebury. mind, body, soul

"Look after your body, it's the only place you have to live"

Jim Rohn

new use for water re-energising coaster!

Coaster with handsQuite by accident I have discovered a new use for the Coaster.  I was walking past the kitchen worktop and felt drawn towards the coaster in a way that I have not felt before.  I was guided to place both my hands on the coaster for a short while and felt a lovely tingle throughout my body – similar to that I feel when working with clients.  After this had settled down I realised that what the coaster had been doing was re-energising the water in my body’s cells!  A very easy way to help your body stay balanced.  Looking forward to hearing from you on your experiences with this.  Have a fabulously energised day!

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