don’t they know I can feel too? | Peta Pendlebury

peta pendlebury. mind, body, soul

"Look after your body, it's the only place you have to live"

Jim Rohn

don’t they know I can feel too?

Don't they know I can feel too?

Apologies for the sad post today but I feel that this is important.


With so much technology available to us it is just so wrong to use animals for testing. I don’t care whether it is as frivoluous as make-up or as important as life saving drugs – there is nothing so important in my life that I want another life to suffer in this way. This photo tore at my heart and although I know that this little chap is no longer with us and therefore out of pain and distress I send love and comfort to any other being that is being held in captivity and mistreated in this way. We are all connected – his pain is our pain. Please check all your products and make sure that they carry the leaping bunny mark. 🙁

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2 responses to “don’t they know I can feel too?”

  1. Barb Edwards says:

    Dear Peta Pendlebury.

    As one of your clients I went to your site and saw this genuine thought from you. It was a picture of a monkey in a testing lab whose pain could be seen clearly. The picture tore at your heart and I thank you for caring so much for all of Gods creatures, including us humans.
    Once you have experienced physical or mental pain your empathy for all other creatures is heightened. Life is about empathy and you seem to have it in abundance.
    God bless you for your kindness
    Thank you

  2. Peta says:

    Hi Barbara

    I hope you are having a great week and thank you for your kind words, Peta

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