Reversing diabetes? | Peta Pendlebury

peta pendlebury. mind, body, soul

"Look after your body, it's the only place you have to live"

Jim Rohn

Reversing diabetes?

A major Scottish study has completely reversed Type II diabetes in over half of the 300 participants.  What did they do that was so life changing?  Their diet was restricted to 800 calories and were encouraged to do daily exercise.  One participant lost 48lbs over the trial period and was over the moon when her GP said that her pancreas was working again.  She is now off all her medication and is no longer diabetic and is feeling great.


However, please don’t try this type of calorie restriction without medical supervision.  If you want to reverse diabetes on your own then I would recommend that you follow the Greek Doctor’s diet (or something similar) and exercise every day – at least 20 minutes of brisk walking is a great start.  It may take a little longer but it is far safer when not supervised.

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